Beltaine Avalon Faery Ball 2011
For one night only! Celebrate Beltaine in the heart of Glastonbury with Obsidian featuring Doreen Virtue, Tatiana Scavnicky & Mark Watson, and The Gypsy Nomads. Wear your faery finery and celebrate World Fairy Festival Day in the most magical of settings, Avalon!The Avalon Faery Ball is bought to you by Karen Kay the organiser of the UK’s Official Faery Balls™ established in 2006 in Cornwall.
This event is sponsored by FAE Magazine.
The last Faery Ball in Avalon was a sell-out. PLEASE NOTE, there will NOT be a daytime fayre at this event, it is for ONE NIGHT ONLY!
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Performers at the Beltaine Avalon Faery Ball 2011