CONFIRMED for 3 Wishes: CoCo and the Butterfields
Click on the image below to watch the video
CONFIRMED ACTS to date include:
Professor Elemental, 3 Daft Monkeys, CoCo and the Butterfields, The Dolmen, Damh the Bard, Serpentyne, Katharine Blake & Nick Marsh , Julie Carter & Terry English, Spriggan Mist, Love Street Band, Pixiephonic, Elijah Mc, Jaime Black, Taking the Piskies, Lunarsonic and more to be announced!!!!
We can also confirm there will be another WORLD RECORD ATTEMPT for the largest gathering of fairies in one place! So don’t forget your wings, wands and tutus! 🙂
Art by C. Vereecken
3 Wishes Faery Fest 2014:
Gathering of the Celtic Faerie Clans
Festival Kidz GOLD Award Winner!!!!