Karen Kays Faery Event
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Faeries in Tintagel, and FAE in WHSmiths!

Hello! We are almost in April already! And the faeries are getting ready to celebrate Beltane in Tintagel home of King Arthur’s Camelot Castle and St Nectan’s Fairy Glen!

As well as the arthurian Faery Ball at King Arthur’s Great Halls, there will also be a Free Faery Fayre during the daytime between 10am and 4.30pm. Then the Faery Ball takes place from 7pm until 11pm. Tickets for the Ball are available HERE

Beltane Faery Ball in Tintagel, Cornwall! + FREE Fairy Fayre on Sat 29th April 2017

King Arthurs Great Halls, Fore Street, Tintagel, Cornwall PL34 ODA

There will also be an Arthurian themed Fairy Photo-Booth with Unwin Photography.


Beltane Fairy Blessing and Celebration

at St Nectans Glen, Tintagel Cornwall! Mon 1st May at 7am until 9am in the morning!

We have been granted special private access to celebrate Beltane at the magical waterfalls of St Nectans Glen on the morning of Beltane! Monday 1st May! Laura Daligan will be leading the Beltane Faery Blessing, Meditation & Celebration at St. Nectans Fairy Glen.

An extra special faery celebration at one of the most enchanted waterfalls and woodlands in the world! Step into the faery portal of St Nectans Glen, bathe in the magical waterfall, tie your wish ribbons onto the trees and breathe in the magic of this sacred space on Beltane morning. In our special and private time at the Glen we will drum gently to the land and the spirits of place, cast a faery circle of love and light and make our wishes, there will be a powerful faery healing meditation and the chance to explore and connect in your own personal way.
Traditionally Beltane morning is one of the most powerful times to see and receive wisdom from the faeries so this promises to be an extra special morning adventure!

Book your place on this special celebration here www.thefaeshop.com

FAE Magazine in WH SMITH!

The spring issue of FAE magazine is now out in 200 WH Smith stores in the UK!

To find out if your local store has FAE feel free to send us an email to info@faemagazine.com with your postcode so we can tell you the address of your nearest WH Smith.

For details of worldwide stockists please visit www.faemagazine.com 

Join us for our Fairy World Record Attempt this summer!

Celebrate 11 years of the 3 Wishes Fairy Festival!

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